Tag: how to make pancake

Cocoa Pancakes

cocoa pancakes

You can make something new out of your ordinary pancake recipe to make it more enticing for the kids to eat. We will be adding cocoa for a healthier and tastier version. It’s definitely easy and not to complicated to prepare.

Fast and Easy Pancake Recipe

fast and easy pancake recipe

Making pan cakes in the morning should not be hassle. It wouldn’t even take much of your time. You and your family will have a delicious pancake for breakfast. Pair it with eggs and a hot cup of coffee and that should do it. It’s time to learn how to make Fast and Easy Pancake.

Pancake Pizza

pancake pizza

Do you want to eat pizza but you just don’t have enough time

to make your own dough? Then why don’t you try using your

favorite pancake? This Pancake Pizza is a great combination

of your two favorite food, pancake and pizza.