Tag: snack recipes

Puffed Rice Recipe (from Leftover Rice)

puffed rice

Here’s one rice snack recipe you can try at home. We will also be using leftover rice so it’s less expensive. Other ingredients include sugar, butter and cooking oil. Or you can just sprinkle some sugar all over the puffed rice and indulge!

How to Cook Potato Eggs

potato egg

Here’s one unique potato and egg recipe that you can try at home. It can be a perfect snack for the family. It’s a complete snack since you’ve got carbo from the potato and protein from the egg. This is such a great new recipe to learn.

Hotdog and Cheese Bread Rolls

Hotdog and Cheese Bread Rolls

Looking for some delicious summer snacks for your kids that they never say no to? Try this Hotdog and Cheese Bread Rolls. It’s pretty obvious by its name, it’s just hotdog and cheese rolled within a bread. But learning how to cook it at home will definitely make a whole lot of difference.

Homemade Taho

homemade taho

It’s time to learn how to make your own taho at home. You don’t have to wait for the vendor to shout “tahooo” just to satisfy your cravings. With this homemade version of taho, we will only be using soy milk and a bit of gelatin powder to recreate it. Although the actual process of making soya requires grinding of soy beans etc., this one requires less process and faster preparation.

Homemade Banana Chips

Homemade Banana Chips

Want some healthy and guilt-free snack? Try making some banana chips at home. It’s very simple and easy to make. Homemade Banana Chips is a perfect snack that you can prepare for your kids as well. You can be sure that they are eating clean, healthy and delicious snacks made by you. Here’s how to make Homemade Banana Chips: Ingredients:

Ham & Cheese Eggplant

Ham and Cheese Eggplant

This is definitely something new for everyone. Tried this recipe once and I realized it’s worth sharing. This Ham & Cheese Eggplant dish simply shows that we have a lot of things to do with eggplant. This is one healthy snack that you and your family can munch. Here’s how to cook Ham & Cheese Eggplant: Ingredients: 2 pcs. medium